David “Pav” Pavish
Resiliency Director
Presentation: Shifting Focus on Bullying Behavior: A Wholistic Approach
Date: Monday, March 4, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM EST
Description: Have you ever been asked to stop a bully from bullying? The labels of "bully" and "bullying" are loaded words in our society, and it can be messy and ineffective to simply try to stop bullying behavior without understanding what is causing it.
Caring and connected relationships are vital to developing socially strong individuals. In addition to supporting the needs of the bullied student and empowering peers to “stand up” to bullying behavior, we must also look at the needs of the young person doing the bullying. Research shows that bullying behavior may stem from various reasons, such as stress, trauma, loneliness, low sense of belonging, lack of control, self-esteem issues, and the need for social dominance. Developing caring relationships with bullies is not generally the accepted solution in most school environments, but it is essential for understanding and addressing the root causes of bullying behavior.
In this session, we will take a mindful pause to examine all sides of bullying situations. We will interactively explore why young people show bullying behavior and learn researched strategies to better address all students' individual needs and create peaceful, safe environments.
Presentation: Connection Matters! Strengthen Resilience with Full-Color Webs of Support
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM EST
Description: When students and adults work, build, and grow together, so do communities as a whole. This is especially evident inside the school building. The more youth and adults have connections and work to deepen those connections through the lens of a strength-based framework, the healthier a community becomes. As youth and adults build webs of support within their communities, the less likely youth are to slip through the cracks.
Participants will learn about the Full-Color Webs of SupportTM framework, combining the greatest research in youth development into one framework that can be measured. Programs are often deficit-based and focus on improving what is wrong. However, data indicate that by implementing a strengths-based approach -- i.e., focusing on what the school, class, and students are doing right -- the negatives diminish. The framework makes this possible and measurable.
Find out more here.