Presentation by Amy Killian
Love Your Job Longer! Keys to Educator Resilience
Time/Date Scheduled: Monday, February 19th @ 4:00 pm -5:15 pm CST
Location: In-person - Hilton Anatole, Dallas Texas
Educators frequently think about student engagement and resilience, but don’t often receive the time and support to focus on their own. During this highly interactive and self-reflective session, you will get that opportunity! Explore the why and how to deepen your positive relationships with others, uplifting your own resilience and enhancing your skills and capacity to support others. Discover research-based strategies to equip and empower yourself to mitigate burnout and to increase professional satisfaction, longevity, and effectiveness. Receive useful tools and learn how behavioral neuroscience, self-regulation, and understanding the Window of Tolerance can improve your well-being and quality of life. You will walk away feeling rejuvenated, appreciating your own strengths, and excited for the new school year!
Find out more here!