Kaleidoscope Academies

Integrative Youth Development training for adults who care about and support students


For youth to succeed in school and life, they need a network of caring, connected adults who can guide and help them thrive amid life’s challenges. 

Kaleidoscope Academies scaffold and prepare you to work alongside students to amplify their strengths and self-activate their complex systems of support.

Our Approach

Through our engaging, interactive Academies, participants learn about the power of the full-spectrum approach to Integrative Youth Development (IYD), based on the best current youth development research for treating, teaching, counseling, neighboring, and parenting children and teens. 

Phase 1 Academy
This 2-day session provides a solid introduction to our framework, principles, and practices. During this session, participants will: 

  • Learn how to better connect with youth and help them self-activate their Webs of Support.

  • Practice methods for interpreting, presenting, and teaching individuals across community sectors to share the responsibility for preparing children and youth for an unknown future.

  • Discover the power of the Student Support Card™ data collection and analysis tools.

Phase 2 Academy

During this 2-day session, participants will: 

  • Deepen their understanding of IYD and the Student Support Card.

  • Practice how to analyze the Student Support Card assessment data and coach youth and adults to effectively and efficiently understand, interpret, and amplify what is right and strong about the youth.

Customized Workshops

We also offer custom workshops to meet your needs and budget, including webinars and on-site trainings. Contact us to learn more about our professional development offerings.

Check back soon for information about our Fall, 2019 workshops!

Our trainings use experiential activities to help participants understand concepts.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who works with children and youth, whether in a school, family-serving organization, faith-based community, are a parent, relative or friend of a teen. We also encourage teens/young adults to join us.

Contact us to learn how you can arrange Kaleidoscope Academies in your school or community.