Don't miss this special event with national innovative education leaders to transform your practice and replenish your resiliency!
Gather together with other PreK-12 educators to increase your resiliency and reconnect with yourself and your profession. This Confluence combines three themes — or “streams”— that contribute to that resiliency: Learning, Connecting, & Rejuvenating.
Dive into this refreshing experience to meet, mix, share, and collaborate with colleagues and stream facilitators. You’ll get to “go deep” into cross-cutting topics driving today’s most innovative practices.
Why should I attend?
Because you are a PK-12 school counselor, teacher, administrator, or staff member who wants to:
LEARN how to deepen your practice through critical thinking, creativity, inquiry, and literacy
CONNECT by strengthening, broadening, and deepening your connections to students, peers, self, and others
REJUVENATE by reflecting on your practice, growing your strengths, and applying fresh ways and thinking
Registration fee $375. Group and student discounts and special travel and lodging rates available.